Sunday, April 23, 2006

Free as a Bird

I keep asking God when he will take away my weakness. But in the Bible, Paul asked the same thing of God. I often wondered if Paul felt the same way I did. Obsessing about how and when it would go away, why it was still there when his desire for it to be gone was so strong. But Gods answer to Paul was that His (Gods) grace was sufficient. God’s grace covered Paul’s imperfections and that was all that Paul needed.

I was living my life day to day just like every other day, and I don’t know why God chose this certain time, but He chose this specific moment to show me a picture of an open door on a bird cage with a bird in it facing away from the door. I didn’t even have to ask what it meant, because I knew that I was that caged bird that had been given his freedom with that open door, yet I remained in the cage. Why? That answer was even clearer, it was because I could not see the open door; I was facing the wrong way. My freedom was all dependant on seeing that open door and understanding that I could fly out at any time.

What did that symbolize? Again, I knew right away, I had not been reading The Bible, which shows us the way to the open door of freedom. I cannot be free if I don’t see the door. The Bible brings the message of my freedom to leave the things that bind me in the cage and fly out that wide open door behind me. And what is so interesting about Gods Word, is that I can read the words and gain knowledge of the stories, but if I ask God to reveal Himself to me through His Word, I will then gain the wisdom and the understanding that comes to me if want it. God even told us to ask for wisdom in James chapter 1.

What I realize now is that freedom does not always have to be a big casting out of demons, or a service where everyone prays for a person in a circle and that person starts screaming, bawling and basically flipping and or flopping all over the place, but I always assumed that was how you gained your freedom. Now I am not judging those who have had such experiences. But what I am saying here is that freedom does not need a dramatic output to happen or to be real. Your freedom is here already. To understand how freedom works, well, you will have to read the Bible.

LK 4:18 "The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners

and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed,

LK 4:19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."