Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Ego Has landed

Ok basically i love every person on the planet. I just do. And sometimes, just every once in a while some people need a little foot-to-rear-end encouragement. Being that I am the king of all humility (insert audience laughter here), am currently wearing my lawn mowing shoes today and am not really afraid to get them dirty, and having read some comments in my brothers blog that indicated he was probably not a Christian, not to mention the judgmental attitudes that were directed towards him as a person, I would like to take this opportunity to shine the tip of my shoe and get my leg in full swing for some gentle encouragement.

Plank Eye - What a great name for a band! And basically it is my theory that we should all have this tattooed on our foreheads because every time we saw those words we would remember to examine our own lives first. And for all those who have a judgmental attitude, could you please stop having a judgmental attitude? Sounds like a stupid question to ask doesn’t it? Well once, I had someone who was stealing from me. So I left a note asking if he would stop stealing from me, and he did, so I was hoping it might work here too.

Salvation - I don’t need to go through the stories about what happened with my brother and comments made by others, my brother didn’t even do anything remotely wrong, he is a Christian, and a very encouraging one at that. I am not really angry, I am more hurt that some Christians keep judging other people’s walk with Christ. Let’s look at the facts. Jesus died on a cross so that we could have eternal life. Sin is paid for. Your sins will not cause you to go to hell, they will if you are not a Christian. If I swear before I get hit by a truck am I doomed to an eternity in hell? If so, what was Jesus death and resurrection all for? So then can someone who is a Christian doing a sinful thing go to heaven? Not looking for excuses to sin or anything, just getting a measure on the meter of Gods grace. I even put out the argument can a homosexual go to heaven? How far does God’s grace extend? If he believes in Christ will he see the Kingdom of Heaven? A person I know, who is well known for gossiping and slanderous acts with her tongue, which I have experienced first hand, once answered that question with these words “No way, if he was a Christian he wouldn’t live that kind of a lifestyle”. The word hypocrisy crossed my mind. Sometimes I wonder if we are too eager to turn some Christians into what we think they should be. Is that not the job of the Holy Spirit? We are to strive for perfection, but when one of us doesn’t appear to have it, he is seen as falling behind.

Encouragement, rebuke and nitpicking – I really think we have the wrong idea on the subject of rebuke, so I, having all the answers (audience applause and subtle laughter), will instruct you properly. No, just jokin, I am just giving my opinions on the issue. It seems to me that what is coming from some of us who wish to give correction, ends up turning into judgment. Correction always comes with prayer, and is in the context of brotherhood/sisterhood and love. I strongly believe correction comes out of a genuine love and concern for the other person’s life. Correction should come with the thought and consideration of the issues possibly causing pain or difficulties in that brother or sister’s life. If you are unsure of that person’s faith be careful, if we judge, we do nothing to bring them closer to Christ.

Wisdom is not knowledge, wisdom comes from God, and when you read your Bible, you will find that those who had wisdom also took lessons in humility. I encourage all of us to not throw the book at those whom you do not know. For example I know my brother Brodie well, I know his heart, I know some of his faults, I point out things he needs to work on and he listens to me, and he does the same for me and the reason this works is because he knows I love him and I care about his life. He knows I am not judgmental, I point out things because I care for him and I want to see him walk right with the Lord, I am not out to nitpick and I always encourage him in the things he does well and tell him of the things that I admire about him.

Furthermore, I would not do any correction in public for everyone to hear or read. It says in Gods word to go to your brother, not to attempt to show your wisdom, or to show that you think you are right in front of everyone by judging someone according to how you see Gods word or how you feel they should be living, not only does that make you look judgmental, but it makes Christians look judgmental. Judgment brings about destruction, but humility and gentleness towards those whom you are trying to reach will build bridges from them to God. If you are going to go to someone, be honest with yourself, you can say “I am going out of love and concern for my brother/sister”, but do you feel it in your heart?

I know I need to start writing things that are less serious, but this was on my heart today.

Shameless plug – check out my new book


Blogger Brodie said...

Good blog. Thanks for your point of view. And we are all sinners. Even the best of them.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

AMEN Ty, aMen

5:01 PM  
Blogger Brodie said...

The Bible is very clear that once we are saved, that nothing can take us from that salvation. Our sin wasn't paid for because we ask forgiveness for it. Our sin is paid for because Jesus died on the cross for it. It is only when we accept Christ's work on the cross and trust in Him to save us that we are saved.

Works have nothing to do with it (Ephesians 2:8-9)

8:37 PM  
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6:46 AM  

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