Friday, April 01, 2005

It bothers me

I must thank my brother for his blogs. I lauged my fool head off, and he has inspired to to create my own style of rant through Blog.

Suicide or attempted, though many times can simply be a cry for attention (which i consider a cry for help), has come to me from young people who are finding that there is no hope. I do what I can to remind them that there is hope in Christ. I know 3 people from my hometown who have comitted suicide in less than a year, so in these times, a cry for attention is always a cry for help.

I guess in this blog I want you to be more aware of people's pain than anything. Its just something i am feeling tonight and I don't know why. This is more about those who are feeling that there is nothing left. I listen to Billy Talents album and i hear the pain of a boy who was tortured in the name of "Highschool Tradition" and it bothers me. It bothers me that no one was there to help that young man. "There's nothing to lose, when no one knows your name" Billy Talent. How could anyone in that position not feel this way?

Now to what else is bothering me

It bothers me that we have a moment of silence and a prayer in church for those lost lives in our hometown this past week through suicide or other causes, that we shed the tears and hold each other, and then head off to the church potluck.

It bothers me that certain music leaders (no one specific) weap and wail asking for "more of God", when the "more" comes when we do what He asked us to do and feed the poor, cloth the naked, bring the gospel.

It bothers me when well off Christians ask for "more" from God (you know, financially), and have no concern for those who have much less.

It bothers me that my former church has a Pastor that is more concerned about reputation than doing the will of the Father.

It bothers me that my former Pastor pushes those that struggle with particular sin back into hiding.

It bothers me that there is no reason we can't change, but we still don't.

It bothers me that 3 people have comitted suicide in the past year, and nothing has changed. I still see no outreach.

It bothers me that I have no church to invite those who do not yet believe in Jesus Christ.

It bothers me that some Christians give so called "unbelievers" leprosy status.

It bothers me that a young girl is doing Christianity on her own without the support of her family and no one seems to understand how hard that is for her.

It bothers me that I show up for every single youth event and church service, i pray, i organize, i teach, i love and i care, i give of my time and myself and all i get at board meetings is a general report on what I am doing wrong.

It bothers me that those who don't go to church think we huddle up in masses every Sunday and sing and pray in order to make heaven, thats not the part that bothers me, the part that bothers me is that we are ok with them thinking these things. I may be stepping out of line, but on the CARE BEAR CARING METER, the needle is sitting on "who gives a rats ass" (pardon the language) so here goes

It bothers me that maybe what they think of us is true.

Ouch, how was that? Tough to swallow? Hard to get down??? Yea well sometimes the truth is a peanutbutter and craker sandwich, so wash it down with a gallon of get over yourself and lets move on.

I think its time for me to stop. But you get an idea of what is on my heart and what is bothering me.


Blogger Brodie said...

Good that someone else out there has the balls to say it ;)

10:40 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

hey Ty, i was excited to see that you've got a blog. it'll be great to keep more updated on you... good start to your blog. there is so much wrong with what the church has become.... but.... change starts one at a time...

1:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

awesome blog ty. I hear you loud and clear. it's time!

8:47 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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11:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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11:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Son your blog has changed something in me. It brought me to tears as I thought about what I am not doing for the lost generation of our communtiy. It has shaken me out of not knowing the next step I should take in ministry to others. And thru what you said God has begun to birth something new in me. Your heart amazes me. It is humbling to have God use your own son to wake you up, and it is good. Thanks Ty for sharing the raw truth in love.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Ramsey said...

what bothers me is that you haven't updated!!!! just kidding ty. i love how you think, you are quite the profound guy!

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:46 AM  

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