Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Heart and The Imagination

Hi, just wanted to let you all know that I have just finished writing my very first book and it is called "The Heart and The Imagination". Its a great acomplishment for me. Its something I have always wanted to do. Right now the book material is at the printers and I should have them by the middle or end of next week if you are interested in getting a copy.

Thank you all for the encouragement while i was working to get this book finished. It was and is muchly appreciated.

I have a temperary Website if you wish to e-mail me about the book, order a book, or look at information about "The Heart and The Imagination".

Also feel free to check out my personal website

God Bless



Blogger Mrs. Ramsey said...

hey ty, i can't wait to see your book, i'm so proud of you!

12:19 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

WOW! That's Awesome. i'd love to check it out.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Krig the Viking said...

I'll have to check it out. If only for the selfish reason of seeing how the artwork turned out... ;)

7:58 PM  
Blogger Jenna said...

hi i dont know who you are but I found your blog from kevins and I jsut wanted to say I have written two books and I dont know what to do with them. What are you doing with yours? Do you know anything about publishing at alL/ The whole thing confuses me.

3:44 AM  

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